Ruth Maguire MSP Responds to Downing Street Decision to Block Indyref 2

Cunninghame South MSP, Ruth Maguire has added her voice to the criticism of Boris Johnson’s decision to reject a second independence referendum.

The Prime Minister formally wrote to First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon this week to refuse her official request to hold a referendum citing claims that the 2014 plebiscite was a ‘once in a generation’ vote.

Ruth Maguire MSP said: “Whilst unsurprising, this response from the Tory PM is disappointing, and frankly, undemocratic.  As we now face leaving the EU despite a majority voting overwhelmingly to remain, it’s clear that the UK many voted to remain part of in 2014 simply does not exist.

“The SNP have won every election held since the 2014 referendum on a clear manifesto promise to hold a further referendum should a material change in circumstance take place.

“No union can be maintained without consent and the UK government blocking Scotland’s right to choose demonstrates that the UK is not a partnership of equals.

“Scottish voters, including the many young voters who did not have a say in 2014 will recognise that democracy doesn’t stand still and, regardless of whether they support independence for Scotland or not, insist that democracy prevails.  Scotland must have the right to choose.”

A further vote at Holyrood to underline backing from MSP’s for a second referendum is planned.

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