Local MSP and Irvine West Councillors urge residents to “Be Winter Ready”

This week Cunninghame South MSP Ruth Maguire and Irvine west Cllrs Chloe Robertson and Shaun Mcaulay were out and about in Irvine West highlighting advice and support available to residents this winter.

Scotland has already faced three named storms in 2023, Storm Agnes, Storm Babet and Storm Ciaran which have all brought disruption to thousands across the country.

All infrastructure is open to the dangers of destructive storms, and even the smallest disruption to your energy supply can bring big challenges. This year it is more important than ever that everyone is winter ready.

Simple steps to stay safe during the winter are: –

  • Follow your network operator on social media so you can find local updates. Find them at energynetworks.org/be-winter-ready
  • Save 105, the free national power cut emergency number, to your phone.
  • Save 0800 111 999, the free national gas emergency number, to your phone.
  • Keep a mobile phone fully charged so you can use it to go online for updates or call if you have a power cut.
  • Keep a torch handy in case you are without power during the night.
  • Have warm clothes, blankets and food which doesn’t need heating accessible.

To check how you or someone you know can get extra help during bad weather with the Priority Services Register, or for more information and advice, please visit the Energy Networks Association website:


Worried this winter

Energy bills are one of the top concerns for everyone and Citizens Advice Scotland has launched their Worried this Winter campaign, encouraging people to seek advice from the network in a variety of ways.

You can visit www.cas.org.uk/worried where you can choose an option that works for you, such as Online advice pages, interactive self-help tools like www.moneymap.scot  or specialist services like the Money Talk Team.

In addition, whether you are concerned about energy debts or have any energy related questions trained Citizens Advice advisers can help through free and confidential appointments throughout North Ayrshire.

Face to face appointments are available throughout libraries in North Ayrshire. To make an appointment speak to library staff, telephone Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau on 0141 889 2121 or email energy@nayrshire.cas.org.uk

Home Heating Support Fund

The Home Heating Support Fund can help you pay your energy bills by sending a payment to your supplier or giving you an energy voucher that you can use to pay your bills

You can get this help even if you use:

  • a pre-payment meter
  • a credit meter
  • a district heating network
  • unregulated fuels

Find out how you can apply for the Home Heating Support Fund by phoning Advice Direct Scotland free on 0808 800 9060.

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