Ruth Maguire MSP: Social Security in an Independent Scotland Would Be ‘Rooted in Dignity, Fairness and Respect’

Local MSP for Cunninghame South has said that the full powers of independence will allow Scotland to “end the cycle of poverty” and “guarantee financial support for all those in North Ayrshire who need it” following the publication of the Scottish Government’s latest independence paper, Social Security in an Independent Scotland.

The ninth paper in a Building a New Scotland series outlines how an independent Scotland would take a radically different approach to social security from the UK government, rooting its approach in dignity, fairness and respect. The changes outlined include:

·       Removing the two-child limit and scrap the ‘rape clause’

·       Removing the benefit cap and the bedroom tax

·       Replacing Universal Credit budgeting loans with grants

·       Ending the current benefit sanctions regime

·       Improving support for unpaid carers

Commenting, SNP MSP for Cunninghame South, Ruth Maguire, said:

“This latest paper from the SNP Scottish Government outlines how Scotland can, with the powers of an independent nation, build a social security system designed to meet people in North Ayrshire’s needs and end the vicious cycle of poverty.

“A strong social security system is key to a thriving economy and a fair, more equal society. We would work towards a universal guarantee of financial security, and potentially even a universal basic income.

“This would be radically different from Westminster’s woeful welfare regime which the UN has described as “grossly insufficient,” and that was before it was cut back even further to the tune of £4 billion in the Autumn Statement.

“With the full powers of an independent country, we can ensure that everyone in North Ayrshire has the support they need to enjoy a decent quality of life.

“Independent countries similar to Scotland are fairer, happier and healthier than we are under Westminster control. So why not Scotland?”

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