Ruth Maguire MSP applauds Carer Positive’s 10th Anniversary and a decade of supporting Carer Friendly Employers.

Ruth Maguire MSP was delighted to join the “Carer Positive: 10 Years of Carer Friendly Employers” event on Tuesday evening to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Carer Positive employer awards scheme.

This project, run by Carers Scotland, engages with employers to help them build workplace support for members of staff who have caring responsibilities in their home lives. Employers committed to this support can then be recognised with a Carer Positive award and can move up through the award tiers as this support grows and develops within the organisation.

Research from 2019[1] showed that 600 carers across the UK leave employment every day to care, so support which allows them to stay in work can be hugely valuable. Employment allows carers to be more financially stable, while also providing respite and opportunities to socialise and spend time outside of their caring role.

Over 270 organisations have now been recognised with a Carer Positive award and almost half a million employees are now represented within these workplaces, benefiting from workplace cultures and practice which value and support carers.

Ruth Maguire MSP said:

“I am thrilled to see the positive impact that Carer Positive has had on both employers and working carers in Scotland over the past 10 years and look forward to seeing how this will continue to grow and develop as we look to the future.”

Loss of staff due to the pressures of caring also has huge implications for staff retention and a loss of skills and experience across the labour market, with the number only set to rise as our population grows older and we work for longer.

The Carer Positive Awards started as a Scottish Government initiative, launched during Carers Week in June 2014. It is funded by the Scottish Government, making the scheme completely free for employers to participate in, so any organisation to take part, no matter their size or sector.

If you are interested in finding out more information about the Carer Positive awards scheme, please visit or get in touch with the Carer Positive team at

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